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Attendance and Dismissal Policy Guidelines

We would appreciate your cooperation in adhering to the following guidelines for your child's attendance at school. We will be taking attendance every day at 8:30 a.m. Children who arrive at school after that time will be marked as "Tardy". We will also be keeping record of the time your child arrives at school if they are late, and of the time they leave if you are picking them up early.

Absences will be considered "Excused" if you send in a note telling us that your child has been ill, has gone to a doctor appointment, has had a family emergency, a music lesson, a court appearance, or for a religious observance. Absences for vacations, family visits and other similar reasons will be considered "Unexcused". We will require a note from a parent or guardian following each absence.  We would also appreciate knowing in advance when a child will be leaving school early.  This will help us avoid any confusion.

Our school nurse will be calling parents on the day their child is absent. Of course, if you know that your child will not be in, you may certainly call the Main Office or the Health Office to leave that message.

If your child's dismissal procedure needs to be changed, please write us a note or send a Remind message before 2:00 p.m. that day. If another adult will be picking up your child, please let us know in your note or Remind message who it will be and advise them that they will be asked to show identification.

We are sure that these procedures will simplify our daily arrival and dismissal routines and allow us to ensure your child's safety at all times. We thank you so very much in advance for your understanding.

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